“Bring Your History Day”- Welcome to participate with your memories, photographs and documents in the new Topotek Svenskbyborna
The family day at the Svenskbygården in Roma will ends with a presentation of the new website svenskbyborna.topotek.se. The site will be opening during the day.
Topotek Svenskbyborna is a new website that is going to be filled with memories, photographs and documents from the history. Now we are inviting everyone to participate. We’re welcoming the public to publish their photographs and documents in the Topotek to be visible to the public. Pictures and documents from the everyday life are an important part of our common cultural heritage. We’re welcoming you to share your material and memories!
During one afternoon Riksarkivet – Landsarkivet i Visby together with Föreningen Svenskbyborna will present the Topotek and showing you the possibilities with the website. We will show you how to publish pictures in the Topotek and to registrate them, put geographical tags etc. We will also give a short information about the rules concerning copyright and to publish on the Internet.
The seminar was organized as part of the didactics activities of the Palaeography course of the degree course in Historical Sciences, of the PhD course in Historical, Archaeological and Historical-Artistic Sciences and of the Cycle of ‘Libri di Storia’ of the Historical Sciences Section of the University of Naples Federico II.
It aims to present the results of the work on the digital edition of documents of the first half of the thirteenth century from the archives of the abbey of S. Maria in Gruptis di Vitulano (BN) (also called S. Maria della Grotta), carried out by an international research group, within the EU-funded project “co: op”. At the same time prof. Manfred Thaller (Professor Emeritus in the Historisch Kulturwissenschaftliche Informationsverarbeitung – Applied Computer Science in the Humanities, University of Cologne) will reflect on the potential for the Italian documentation of some acquisitions of the European debate concerning the Scholarly Digital Editions.
The seminar also inaugurates the activities of the Laboratory ‘Historical Documents in the Web’, which is part of the Department of Humanistic Studies, of which Prof. Antonella Ambrosio is responsible.
Click here for the programme.
Within the frameworks of the EU-funded project “community as opportunity. the creative archives‘ and users‘ network” (co:op), the Institute for Balkan Studies hosts the international workshop for researchers and archivists on
Digital Archiving of Medieval Documents:
Concepts and Experiences
which is to be held on Thursday, June 21st, in the hall II at the 1st floor of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Within the first session of the workshop, the work-in-progress Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale will be presented through three contributions, while the second session is dedicated to similar projects concerning digital processing and publishing of medieval charters, to be presented by our international partners.
The programme of the workshop is available here.
A “Bring Your History Day” to get the “Topotek Estlandssvensk” off the ground!
The “Topotek Estlandssvensk” is a new website that is going to be filled with memories, photographs and documents telling the local history. The Riksarkivet together with the Estlandssvenskarnas kulturförening SOV invites the public to actively participate in filling the Topotek Estlandssvensk with photographs and further visual and audio documents from their private archives thus giving insight into the local history. These documents from private hands will be made visible online and publicly accessible – an important contribution to detailing history. Pictures and documents from everyday life are an important part of our common cultural heritage and everyone interested is warmly welcomed to share their material and memories!
During the evening the Riksarkivet together with Estlandssvenskarnas kulturförening SOV will present the new website of the “Topotek Estlandssvensk” and will demonstrate the possibilities this website offers to its users and visitors: how to publish pictures in the Topoteque and how to registrate them accordingly, insert geographical tags etc. The introduction will also inform on the rules concerning copyright issues and how to correctly publish on the Internet.
More information will follow in due time.

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
The ICARUS Meeting #22, hosted by the University of Naples Federico II (IT), will incorporate the second international convention of the EU-funded project “co:op (community as opportunity – the creative archives’ and users’ network)”. The motto of the entire event:
“Cooperation as Opportunity. Historical Documents, Research and Society in the Digital Era”.
The convention’s thematic priority
Thematic priority of the convention will be to discuss how societal changes of the Digital Era affect archive structures, research methods and the handling of historical documents and vice versa.
Not only do archives and historical documents of the Digital Era call for new (digital) research methods by scholars and teachers (hitherto traditional users of this cultural asset). What’s even more remarkable, today, archives are faced with completely new types of users (that have no specific scholarly background).
By tailoring the technological advancement of the Digital Era to the diversified needs of this new, heterogeneous audience, participatory user communities can be explored, served, activated and expanded.
How to reflect on these aspects? Through discussion, exchange, the sharing of experiences and the development of possible solutions and strategies!
The convention’s structure
The convention will act as a sharing place where professionals and user communities will have the possibility to present, discuss and share their ideas, visions and concrete projects, with the aim to prepare new partnerships, as well as the planning and implementation of common new projects.
During the three days of the convention there will be five sessions and equally as many round tables, which will become a unique opportunity for public discussions, actively engaging and encouraging the the participation of the audience.
The keynote “Big Data of the Past” by Frédéric Kaplan (DHLAB) will set the visionary tone of the convention and kick-off the first debate and round table “Big Data of the Part: Vision or Near Future?”
On a not to be overlooked side note: The convention will also celebrate the 10th anniversary of ICARUS – the network that has since its beginning spearheaded the digital advancement of the archive community.
8th co:op partner meeting
This event furthermore marks the final meeting of all partners of the co:op project. Within the administrative co:op meeting, concluding preparations for succesffully finalizing the projects will be made.
Programme Registration Mobility Grant
Click on the image below to enjoy a video introducing the many facettes of Naples:
Round Table

The Bavarian State Archives digitized the complete collection of charters of the monastery of St. Emmeram within the framework of the EU-funded project “community as opportunity – co:op”.
The collection comprises 5000 charters dated between 794 to 1800 and will soon be made available online.
By taking the example of this corpus of source material, the workshop intends to bring together research questions and technical exploitation models.
Programme and registration
This round table is divided into two sessions: the first session will focus on a variety of scientific contributions dealing with the history of the monastery. Special attention is paid to workshop reports, individual findings and/or micro histories.
The second session presents a number of transcription and editing/annotation services which can be applied directly on the digitized documents of the monastery of St. Emmeram.
Finally, the round table will be rounded off by an open discussion tackling the question of how sources material can be useful for everyone.
Please find the complete programme (in German) as well as the registration form here.
Digital Editions of Medieval Documents: the Project Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale
Within the framework of the EU-funded project co:op the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and arts in cooperation with the Centre for Theory of History of the Belgrade University Faculty of Philosophy hosts the national workshop on “Digital Editions of Medieval Documents: the Project Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale”.
After the opening adress of Smilja Marjanovic-Dusanic (Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy) there will be two lectures on “What is a digital edition?” by Zarko Vujosevic (Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy) and “Analysis of the Serbian medieval charters from the point of view of historical geography and digital humanities” by Mihailo Popovic (Vienna, Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research), followed with the interactive presentation of the database Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale by Nebojsa Porcic (Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy) and Veljko Gluscevic (Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies).