ICARUS-Meeting #19

2017-05-29 @ 13:00 – 2017-05-31 @ 00:00
National Archives of Estonia - Rahvusarhiiv
Nooruse 3
50411 Tartu

co:operative Estonia



The host of the first ICARUS-Meeting of 2017 and also 5th partner meeting of the EU-funded project “co:op – community as opportunity” is the National Archives of Estonia in Tartu.


The event’s motto: “co:operative Estonia“.
The event’s location: The brand new archive’s building “Noora.

Within the meeting not only will the participants be able to learn more about the best of Estonian digital heritage projects as well as the National Archives’ best practices but also about cooperation projects across national borders. Furthermore, the event will inform on Estonian e-Resedency, a transnational digital identity, and how one can even apply for it.

Within the meeting, the ICARUS Didactics Group invites to a workshop on the Topotheques by the example of the Museum of Agricultural Sciences (MUSA) in Italy. More information on the workshop’s content is available here.

The meeting takes place in the cozy university town Tartu –  town of students, intellectuals and creatives.   We are happy to invite you to the brand new main building of the National Archives of Estonia which is situated in “Silicon Valley” of Tartu.

Click here to learn more about unique Estonia!

Come and spend some quality time with colleagues!

Preliminary programme Registration form


Travel to Tartu Local transportation in Tartu 

Mobility Grant